2023 고3 6월 모의고사 영어 심층분석+변형문제 18~28번
카페 > 싸쌤의 입시영어 | 싸쌤
수능특강싸쌤의 입시영어 : 네이버 카페
모의고사, 수능, 수능의감, 수능특강, 수능완성, 리딩파워, 수능특강라이트, 올림포스영어독해 심층분석
18. Dear Custard Valley Park members, Custard Valley Park’s grand reopening event will be held on June 1st.
For this exciting occasion, we are offering free admission to all visitors on the reopening day. There will be a food stand selling ice cream and snacks.
We would like to invite you, our valued members, to celebrate this event.
Please come and explore the park’s new features such as tennis courts and a flower garden.
Just relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. We are confident that you will love the new changes, and we are looking forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, Katherine Carter Park Management Team
19. While the mechanic worked on her car, Jennifer walked back and forth in the waiting room.
She was deeply concerned about how much it was going to cost to get her car fixed. Her car’s engine had started making noises and kept losing power that morning, and she had heard that replacing an engine could be very expensive.
After a few minutes, the mechanic came back into the waiting room. “I’ve got some good news. It was just a dirty spark plug. I already wiped it clean and your car is as good as new.”
He handed her the bill and when she checked it, the overall cost of repairs came to less than ten dollars.
That was far less than she had expected and she felt at ease, knowing she could easily afford it.
20. Certain hindrances to multifaceted creative activity may lie in premature specialization, i.e., having to choose the direction of education or to focus on developing one ability too early in life.
However, development of creative ability in one domain may enhance effectiveness in other domains that require similar skills, and flexible switching between generality and specificity is helpful to productivity in many domains.
Excessive specificity may result in information from outside the domain being underestimated and unavailable, which leads to fixedness of thinking, whereas excessive generality causes chaos, vagueness, and shallowness.
Both tendencies pose a threat to the transfer of knowledge and skills between domains.
What should therefore be optimal for the development of cross-domain creativity is support for young people in taking up creative challenges in a specific domain and coupling it with encouragement to apply knowledge and skills in, as well as from, other domains, disciplines, and tasks.
21.Lawyers sometimes describe ownership as a bundle of sticks. This metaphor was introduced about a century ago, and it has dramatically transformed the teaching and practice of law.
The metaphor is useful because it helps us see ownership as a grouping of interpersonal rights that can be separated and put back together.
When you say It’s mine in reference to a resource, often that means you own a lot of the sticks that make up the full bundle: the sell stick, the rent stick, the right to mortgage, license, give away, even destroy the thing.
Often, though, we split the sticks up, as for a piece of land: there may be a landowner, a bank with a mortgage, a tenant with a lease, a plumber with a license to enter the land, an oil company with mineral rights.
Each of these parties owns a stick in the bundle.
22. When it comes to the Internet, it just pays to be a little paranoid (but not a lot). Given the level of anonymity with all that resides on the Internet, it’s sensible to question the validity of any data that you may receive.
Typically it’s to our natural instinct when we meet someone coming down a sidewalk to place yourself in some manner of protective position, especially when they introduce themselves as having known you, much to your surprise.
By design, we set up challenges in which the individual must validate how they know us by presenting scenarios, names or acquaintances, or evidence by which to validate (that is, photographs).
Once we have received that information and it has gone through a cognitive validation, we accept that person as more trustworthy. All this happens in a matter of minutes but is a natural defense mechanism that we perform in the real world.
However, in the virtual world, we have a tendency to be less defensive, as there appears to be no physical threat to our well-being.
23. There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones.
In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door.
In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops.
The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls.
And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
24. Hyper-mobility ― the notion that more travel at faster speeds covering longer distances generates greater economic success ― seems to be a distinguishing feature of urban areas, where more than half of the world’s population currently reside.
By 2005, approximately 7.5 billion trips were made each day in cities worldwide. In 2050, there may be three to four times as many passenger-kilometres travelled as in the year 2000, infrastructure and energy prices permitting.
Freight movement could also rise more than threefold during the same period. Mobility flows have become a key dynamic of urbanization, with the associated infrastructure invariably constituting the backbone of urban form.
Yet, despite the increasing level of urban mobility worldwide, access to places, activities and services has become increasingly difficult. Not only is it less convenient ― in terms of time, cost and comfort ― to access locations in cities, but the very process of moving around in cities generates a number of negative externalities.
Accordingly, many of the world’s cities face an unprecedented accessibility crisis, and are characterized by unsustainable mobility systems.
26. Jean Renoir (1894—1979), a French film director, was born in Paris, France. He was the son of the famous painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
He and the rest of the Renoir family were the models of many of his father’s paintings. At the outbreak of World War I, Jean Renoir was serving in the French army but was wounded in the leg.
In 1937, he made La Grande Illusion, one of his better-known films. It was enormously successful but was not allowed to show in Germany.
During World War II, when the Nazis invaded France in 1940, he went to Hollywood in the United States and continued his career there.
He was awarded numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the Academy Honorary Award in 1975 for his lifetime achievements in the film industry. Overall, Jean Renoir’s influence as a film-maker and artist endures.